Hi, I am Nicola Brown, a Registered Nutritionist - here to help you navigate the perimenopause, menopause and life beyond the menopause in the best possible way for you.
With individual care and health creation through the application of nutrition, functional and lifestyle medicine you can embrace your changing hormones and changing body, improve your health and energy for life. If you want to understand what is happening to you and are looking for a holistic approach then please get in touch with me.
Let me guess…
You suddenly feel stressed and anxious all the time.
Perhaps hot flushes, night sweats and disrupted sleep are taking their toll?
Your digestion isn’t what it used to be and your brain isn’t functioning properly.
You're putting on weight despite eating and exercising as normal.
Your periods may be heavy or intermittent and you are experiencing new joint pains or injuries?
Urinary tract infections that keep coming back?
… sound familiar?
Every woman’s experience of her hormone journey through life is individual you may have other symptoms. We have to remember that perimenopause and menopause are natural phases in a woman’s life. Created by massive hormonal shifts which affect virtually all aspects of your body’s functions, it is hardly surprising that can be a challenging time. Like the disruptions of puberty these changes can be hard to cope with. However you can also think of this as a positive time, as a window of opportunity and a time for new beginnings.
The menopause has received a lot of publicity recently, not all of it positive. Since you could be living between a half to a third of your life post menopause, now is a good time to review your health and lifestyle, to help you stay fit and well for as long as possible.
I am passionate about educating, inspiring and supporting women to better health and resilience. Working together we can find the best way to nourish and nurture your whole body, to support you through life and all its chaos, laughter, fun, good times and the bad.
If you are feeling desperate, you have tried everything, nothing is working and you don’t know where to go from here then please get in touch!