As a result of my own experience, I decided to specialise in women’s hormone health and I’d like to educate you, thereby empowering and supporting you to better health for the rest of your life.
From my teens onwards I experienced a variety of symptoms associated with poorly regulated hormones and poor gut health. PMS, fibroids and heavy periods resulted in anaemia. IBS and lactose intolerance made me exclude foods in an unhealthy and restrictive manner in an attempt to alleviate embarrassing symptoms. I had no idea of the affects of stress on my body.
In my 50’s perimenopause symptoms kicked in and I felt utterly miserable. I was frustrated with the lack of understanding or treatment options offered to me. I wanted someone to look at the bigger picture. I felt there had to be a link or connection with my symptoms and some way of taking control of my own health without going on the pill, HRT or having a hysterectomy.
Through my sports massage work I learnt that the human body is always trying to heal itself but this needs balance between hormones, energy, physical and mental health. A friend recommended a brilliant Nutritional Therapist, I found the answers I needed and things fell into place.
Through dietary changes and more awareness of my body and its needs I began to feel good again, I had more energy and was raring to get on with life! I was so impressed I went on to study a Masters in Nutritional Therapy. Now, I am happier and healthier than I have been for years. I want to offer you the kind of help and understanding I wish I had found when I was struggling.
Using simple dietary changes and alterations to my daily routines I managed to turn my life around. I now specialise in women’s health, so I can help you feel amazing too.
Why not book a discovery phone call for a free chat about your health?