About Perimenopause
40 years plus (although this may be earlier for you, we are all different).
Have you reached your 40’s and wondering what has hit you? In Perimenopause your hormones are changing, and this can last up to 15 years! Perimenopause may be the most challenging time as oestrogen and progesterone begin wildly fluctuating affecting your whole body and not just your reproductive system. The enormous hormonal shifts in Perimenopause are not to be underestimated and could be considered as equivalent to a second puberty. You may make allowances for your teenagers with their raging hormones but do you give yourself a break too? Coping with changing hormones along with the increased demands and stress of later life can all add up to worsening symptoms. A staggering 85% of women experience hot flushes.
How do you know if you are in perimenopause?
You feel tired all the time
You feel more anxious, feel low or have wild mood swings
You’re finding it difficult to concentrate
You find you are forgetting things, or your memory seems to be malfunctioning Y
ou may have hot flushes or night sweats
Your periods can be heavy or painful or they might be irregular, or you miss a period.
You seem to be gaining weight, especially around the middle
Your breasts are very tender
Your heart may race, or you feel palpitations
You keep getting urinary tract infections
Your digestion is not right, or you have IBS, reflux, constipation or diarrhoea
You wake up in the morning but do not feel refreshed
You have been diagnosed with thyroid issues
You have developed fibroids or endometriosis You’ve developed new aches and pains
You’ve started having headaches or migraines
You find it difficult to get to sleep, you wake up during the night or at 5am
You’re getting PMS or PMDD Your sex drive is dwindling
You are wondering what on earth has happened to you?
Sounds familiar? Get in touch. This is the time to do something positive and make the changes you need to glide through perimenopause. Helping yourself now may help you have a healthier later life post menopause.